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Welcome to Unity Church of Raleigh!

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Our Sunday Celebration Service

Join us at 10:30 a.m. Sunday, March 2 at Unity Church of Raleigh, live-streamed below, on our Facebook page or YouTube channel for Rev. Ellen Barron's message, "How Do I Pray?"

You may wonder what makes prayer so complex, yet every religion has its own unique approach to it. So, what is the right way to pray? Is there a specific method? Why do some prayers seem unanswered? Additionally, how do meditation and silence fit into the practice of prayer? Unity suggests that the purpose of prayer is to elevate our consciousness to recognize that God's good already exists for us.


We should pray as co-creators, connecting with our own divine nature. It is in silence that we meet God. Join me on Sunday, March 2, for an in-depth exploration of what true prayer can really mean for you.


"But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you."  Matthew 6:6


Affirmation:  I am filled with the presence of God in the silence.



Rev. Ellen

Rev. Ellen's 2/23 message, "Co-Creating with God" starts here.

Love what you're seeing?
Energized and hopeful after watching our service?
Click here to give to Unity Church of Raleigh! 

Don't Miss These Great UCR Events!

Next Sunday is Birthday Sunday Potluck for our March babies and our building!  Bring a dish and come join our celebration.
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Mindful Moments Story Time meets Saturday, March 8, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon.  Free!
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Heart-Centered Metaphysics with Rev. Ellen meets Tuesday at noon and 6:30 p.m. in-person and on Zoom through March 11.
Wednesday Yoga Class meets every Wednesday 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. Join us!
Our January and February Community Outreach (CORE) project is collecting needed items for Western North Carolina hurricane victims. See the list of requests here.

Need Prayer?

Feb 2025 Prayer - WholenessUCR Prayer Ministry
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  • Enjoy UCR's Prayer for February: Wholeness

  • Request confidential Prayer Team support

  • Call the church office at (919) 870-7364   

  • Silent Unity online prayer support or phone requests 1-816-969-2000

  • Join Sunday morning in-person meditation in our Prayer Chapel, 10:00 - 10:15 a.m.

  • Find meditation videos on our YouTube channel and at Silent Unity

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